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How may we stage being together? What can urbanism learn from live art? When in times of hyper-individualisation will we invent a collective utopia?

Caroline Barneaud is director of international projects in Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne. Stefan Kaegi is a founding members of the Berlin-based theatre label Rimini Protokoll and a leading figure of European theatre  Together they have produced a serious of live-art projects outside of conventional theatre spaces: collective audiotours, documentary truck rides or immersive construction site-experiences.

They join the urbanology residency to reflect on ephemeral timebased formats for public spaces, decentralized urban interventions as «Utopolis»* and on theatre outside of urban infrastructures in nature - or whatever is left of it.

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ARNAUD IDELON / 21-27.03.22

Acteur du mouvement tiers-lieu (La Station - Gare des Mines / le 6b), Arnaud Idelon a co-fondé Ancoats en 2017 afin de contribuer au développement de tiers-lieux culturels et autres alternatives urbaines. Comme journaliste indépendant et animateur radio, il observe les mutations à l’oeuvre dans ces lieux de l’émergence artistique pour une dizaine de médias et enseigne ces sujets à l’université. En 2021, il co-fonde Le Sample à Bagnolet dont il assure la programmation. Il co-coordonne le Diplôme Universitaire Espaces Communs de l'Université Gustave Eiffel en tandem avec Yes We Camp et coordonne le Labo Tiers-Lieux pour l'association France Tiers-Lieux et l'Agence Nationale de la Cohésion des Territoires dans le but de développer les communs de la connaissance autour du mouvement des tiers-lieux.


En parallèle, il explore comme auteur, critique et curateur les potentiels de la fête comme médium artistique autonome au sein du collectif 16AM, les écritures littéraires collaboratives au sein du collectif PARA- et programme le festival d'écritures en présence STURMFREI.



Lili Jenks (PaperGlue"n"Scotch) is a language educator and street artist that has combined interactive and educational language projects with performance arts to educate children, adolescents and university students across Europe and South America. Claire Terrien (Public Games) is a Berlin based artist and architect that performs in the public space. 

More recently Lili and Claire have been working closely with residents of Berlin Neukölln and Lichtenberg on a new community project, LingoBingo. The LingoBingo StreetCart is a  tool designed for the public space that generates language games with the participation of the inhabitants of a city .


Over the course of 2 weeks, residents of the Cité International and Lingo Bingo will create together didactic games about language and habitat.

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KHENSANI DE KLERK /2-6 & 9-13.07.22

Khensani is an architectural researcher and designer from Johannesburg. She centres practicing intersectionality through research and design. Her view of intersectionality questions and imagines how the efficiency of the built environment can be sustainable through ethically social and ecological practices. She is the founder of Matri-Archi(tecture), a collective based between South Africa and Switzerland that aims at empowering African women as a network dedicated to African spatial education.


Her recent research at the University of Cambridge focused on typologies of safe space with aims at reducing Gender-based violence in cities. Through her multidisciplinary approach, Khensani finds educational value in spatial, written and auditory explorations centring storytelling as critical to spatial practice. She researches and teaches at the chair of Affective Architectures with Professor An Fonteyne at the ETH Zürich in Switzerland and collaborates with architectural practice Studio8Fold in London. She hosts a podcast called KONTEXT and serves as an editorial contributor at the Architectural Review in London. She is based between South Africa and Switzerland.


MATTHIEU JACCARD  / 19-30.09.22

Matthieu Jaccard est architecte et historien de l’art indépendant. Commissaire d’exposition, enseignant, guide, il développe ses projets en Suisse romande et allemande, ainsi qu’en France. Son activité s’attache notamment à la mise en perspective, sous des formes diverses, de la production architecturale et artistique au regard d’enjeux sociaux, politiques ou économiques contemporains.



Rahul Srivastava is Rahul is an urbanologist, who brings his learnings in anthropology and visual ethnography to urban practice.


Co'founder of urbz, he studied social and urban anthropology in Mumbai, Delhi and Cambridge (UK). His previous publications include an ethnography of urbanized nomads around Mumbai, a novel published by Puffin, (Penguin, India) and 'The Slum Outside', a commentary on Dharavi, co-written with Matias Echanove and published by Strelka Press. He continues to write extensively on urban issues.    


Rahul will use the residency to explore evolving societal changes that are impacting our conceptions, behaviours and aspirations around what it means to 'live and work'.  


Andreas Ruby is an architecture critic, curator, moderator, teacher and publisher. He has taught architectural theory and design at Cornell University, ENSAPM Paris Malaquais, the Metropolis Program Barcelona and Umea School of Architecture among others. Aside from regularly contributing to selected international architecture magazines, he has published about 20 books on contemporary architecture. In 2008 he co-founded together with Ilka Ruby the award-winning architecture publishing house RUBY PRESS.


He has organized several international symposiums and exhibitions on architecture and design, such as the traveling exhibition "Druot, Lacaton & Vassal – Tour Bois le Prêtre“ launched in 2012, the Montenegro Pavilion at the 14th Venice Architecture Biennial in 2014, and most recently „Together. The New Architecture of the Collective“ at the Vitra Design Museum. 


Since 2016 he is the director of the SAM Swiss Architecture Museum in Basel.



YEHUDA SAFRAN  / 28.05-04.06.21 & 15-21.08.21

Yehuda Emmanuel Safran studied at Saint Martin's School of Art, the Royal College of Art and University College, London. He has taught at the Architectural Association, Goldsmith's College, London University, and the Lan van Eyck Academy. He was a fellow of the Chicago Institute of Architecture and Urbanism and Visiting Professor at the School of Architecture, University of Illinois as well as at RISD. He has published in Domus, Sight and Sound, Lotus, A+U, AA File, Springer, Artpress, Prototypo, Metalocus and 9H. With Steven Holl and others he is editor of 32 Bejing/New York and is the author of Mies van der Rohe. He curated, inter alia, the Arts Council of Great Britain touring exhibition 'The Architecture of Adolf Loos' and the 'Fredrick Kiesler' show at the Architecture Association. He was a trustee of the 9H Gallery, a Founding member of the Architecture Foundation in London and a member of the College International de Philosophie, Paris.


Currently he lives and works in Paris as Visiting Professor at the Graduate Institute of Architecture at Nanjing University, China, and teaches at the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation at Columbia University in New York.

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